XIV.2-14 (Popoola O. P., Oyejola B. A.) Construction of Pairwise Balanced Designs using Lotto Design when λ = 1 and when λ = 2
XV.1-06 (Uthman K. T., Oyejola B. A.) An Asymptotic Comparison of Dynamic Panel Data Estimators with Autocorrelated Error Terms
XV.1-14 (Osuolale Peter Popoola, Benjamine A. Oyejola, Ayanniyi W. Ayanrinde, Adekunle A.Araromi) Proves of the Existence and Determination of Blocks Size of Pairwise Balanced Designs
XVII.1-15 (Osuolale Peter Popoola, Benjamin A. Oyejola, Ayanniyi Ayanrinde, Matthew Odusina) Construction of Steiner Triple System STS(2n +1) from a Class of Pairwise Balanced Designs
XVII.1-16 (Osuolale Peter Popoola, Benjamin A. Oyejola) Construction of Congruent Classes of Pairwise Balanced Designs using Lotto Designs
XVII.1-32 (O. I Adeniyi, B. A Oyejola) Investigating methods of estimating parameters in Cox model with two incorrectly specified random effects: A simulation study