STREIAN Virgiliu
-Graduated of the „Politehnica” University of Timişoara, Facultaty of Electrotechnics, Specialization Computers, 1974
-Assistant Professor at the Faculty of COmputers and Applied Computer Science, „Tibiscus” University of Timişoara
-E-mail: vstreian [@] tibiscus [.] ro
I-1 Design of the Computer Numerical Control program using AutoLISP and AutoCAD2000’s two-dimensional polyline vertexes
I-2 Coordonate de puncte de interes tehnic, calculate în AutoCad
III.1-13 Proiectarea de postprocesoare pentru maşini cu comandă numerică
V.1-10 (Virgiliu Streian, Adela Ionescu) Token Ring Project
VII.1-34 (Virgiliu Streian, Adela Ionescu) Web Publishing of the Files Obtained by Flash